Thursday, September 25, 2008

Week 4, thing 9

While getting this thing ready for O! What a Geek I tried searching on the Topix, Syndic8 and Technorati (for the record, I dislike these "cute" names which are difficult to spell. I have enough problems spelling). I didn't much care for any of them.

Technorati was okay for locating some blogs. I tried searching on Melbourne, Australia to see what came up and found a news blog that was about commuter cycling in New York and that there had been a bicycle recent accident in downtown Melbourne.

I also used Bloglines search tool and found some cooking blogs -- I found it more interesting to find other blogs by looking at what a blogger had on his or her blog roll than using the search tools.

I generally found the search tools for feeds not too helpful. What I disliked most, particularly with Technorati was the duplication of search results and how difficult it was to get out of the Technorati environment and to the full blog. I would not want to subscribe to a blog on the basis of one post -- I want to look at other posts and that was difficult to do in Technorati. Bloglines is a bit easier to navigate that way.

Looking forward to playing next week!

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