Monday, October 24, 2011

CPD23 Thing 21

Self-Promotion to get the Promotion

Self-promotion is hard to do, even when applying for a job. You have to find a way to honestly inform others about your abilities and why you should get the job and at the same time not sound too good to be true. Although I am not a big on  boasting I have enough confidence and experience in certain work abilities to say, yes, I am good at cataloging. I can also say that I am very analytical and that I enjoy a challenge but I can also be flexible and work well on a team. I try to keep up with thing in the world around me, both those that apply to by particular sector of libraries and the world as a whole and how they might be used in my work or by my library.

I find it a bit harder to fit some of my personal interests, such a cooking, into my professional life. I do enjoy baking and sharing the treats with others in my office but I don't see that having a place on a resume or cover letter. Although I might mention it in an interview, depending on the question.

I have been on both sides of interviews of late. My main tip for those interviewing is to make sure you answer the question fully. If you do not have a copy of the questions, then take notes while the question is asked and make sure you answer all parts.

From personal experience be careful what you say about previous employers in an interview. When I first started interviewing for positions in Omaha I had not had many job interviews and I interviewed for an academic position. It was an all day interview -- with separate interviews with various staff members or groups of staff members. There was also a lunch with some of the staff and at that I made the mistake of spending time talking about all the bad things about my previous employer -- having to go from working 35 hours a week to working 40 for the same pay can make you bitter. In hindsight that was a terrible thing to do -- would you hire someone who complained about their previous employer? Of course not! There may have been many reasons why you left or are interested in leaving  and even it is or was a toxic work place be careful what you say.

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