Getting Organized
I have used Google Calendar for my family calendar for a few months now. I have known about it longer and wanted something online that both my husband I could get to. I try to keep it up-to-date although have been a bit behind lately. But it is a great way to put in recurring meetings and kids' activities.
Only problem is husband doesn't really use it. Sigh.
But I like it. I like that it will send me email reminders about things if i set them up. I would like to be able to do a bit more as a family calendar (or any kind of shared calendar) where you could perhaps color code entries based on who was doing them.
I would also like to be able to set up different calendars for different things. I'd love to have a project management calendar in Google. In fact just last week I went looking on the web for different kinds of project management calendars and was disappointed in what I found. I haven't seen a way I can have different Google calendars going at the same time so I keep my Outlook calendar at work for my things at work (and if it ain't on my Outlook calendar it ain't happening) and my personal life on Google.
I want to keep them separate as there is no need for work to know about my personal life and although I enter some stuff on my Outlook calendar and mark them private I am seeing some sense to just keeping two different calendars. I am also considering whether I can change my PDA (yes I have one, old-fashioned as I am) to the Google Calendar rather than Outlook.
The thing that was new for me in this activity was iGoogle. I have seen and used similar personalized pages with gadgets and add-ons (NetVibes is one) but I must admit that I rather like iGoogle. The only problem seems to be that if I don't set it as my homepage then it doesn't save the settings. At work I don't want it as my homepage. At home that's different and I will set it as my homepage and can hopefully save some settings and gadgets.
Yet again Google has a good product but it is not quite perfect.
Hey Deirdre, you can create multiple calendars on Google. On my screen the option is located on the left side of the screen under My Calendars. Click on the Add link. You should be taken to the Create New Calendar page. After the calendar is created you should see it listed on the left with a small arrow next to it. Click on the arrow for options including changing the color. Clicking on the calendar names also controls which calendar or combination of calendars you are seeing.
I don’t know if you found it but there is also a link for Other Calendars and an Add option to “Browse Interesting Calendars”. Here you can find other calendars such as the US Holidays, Sunrise & Sunset, and sporting events.
Let me know if you have questions.
I have the same dilemma as you outline - trying to keep track of personal and work events. And I too seem to be the one responsible for remembering everyone's schedule and then reminding my husband. I have ended up putting personal events on my work calendar and marking as private just because I need everything in one place so I don't double-book myself. It's far from ideal though. I may need to investigate Google Calendar -- especially since Allana is just down the hall :)
Thanks Allana and Susan,
after I wrote this post I did find some of the things I was bemmaoing the lack of in Google calendar, including the multiple calendars option. I do use the interesting calendars option and have the Australian calendar (yesterday was Northern Territory Picnic day, who knew?):)
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