Monday, October 20, 2008

Week 6, Thing 13

This I was skeptical about (hey, see a trend). But I have found delicious halfway useful. It was easy to convert my existing bookmarks into a delicious page. The difficulty I have is that I now have to tag them. And I get a scroll of most recently bookmarked sites but it really would be more useful to have a scroll of most USED sites.

I have tried for a couple of weeks not to use my favorites list from IE but have recently gone back to using it as it is easier to go to for somethings. I do like that delicious is available to me from anywhere but I have not yet become a convert.

I need to work more with this tool and over time I may come to like it more. I do see the usefulness of tags and would like to explore using them more -- both to explore what I have and what others have used with the same taxonomy. (Hey, I am a cataloger at heart).

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