Friday, September 26, 2008


How could I forget to do this? You'd think I, of all people, would remember to do this. But no.

Well, I have a MP3 player, but as anyone who attended any of the OverDrive training sessions I did, may remember, it doesn't book mark. It was a gift. A very generous well-intentioned gift but the lack of book marking makes it difficult to listen to OverDrive audiobooks on it, unless I am going to be listening for an hour or moe. And I have a few audiobooks loaded on it which I still haven't listend to.

Now I mainly use it to listen to NPR while I walk. Which is fun. And we have used it to listen to books or music in the car (we only have a cassette player in the car) wtih an FM adapter -- it is nice as the music gets mixed up but we have found it hard to use in a city even the as small as Des Moines (never tried in Omaha, I figure the interference would be worse here).

So, the long and short of it is that I want the MP3 player. It bookmarks.

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