Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Nebraska Learns 2.0 Thing 24

Twitter Search. I searched for Omaha Public Library -- there were just a few hits for us. Not sure if that is good. Only one was from an actual person and it was posted 17 days ago. It was positive (he loves us which is great). Another, more recent one, was about our new downloadable video from Overdrive from a Twitter Account that promotes such thing -- probably Overdrive. Perhaps we should be using Twitter to promote the library more. I have a Twitter account, and have had it for a few years. but have not found it to be that great a thing. Perhaps it is because I am using Facebook more of late.

Google Alerts was much more fruitful -- I did a comprehensive search. Some of the hits were false but there was one which led to a blog/webpage for single parents in Omaha which listed free activities in Omaha and mentioned our storytimes. I posted a comment thanking her for the mention and pointing out our Summer Reading Program which has free activities, prizes and coupons and the kick-off party on May 31st. I'll see if I get a response to that. As of May 28, no response.

Twitter is the hot thing of late. It does seem to be something we should be using but I have yet to work out how. Perhaps some of the things we are doing on Facebook -- with invites and alerts -- could also be done in Twitter. But I am there are other things that could be done too, things that would keep people engaged and the library in their mind. Some of the difficulties are working out what to do, finding time to do it and making it a priority. It would be worthwhile exploring.

The aspect of this assignment which had us post on response definitely put me outside of my comfort zone I am most comfortable as a cyber lurker. I don't care to put myself out there. After all, why should anyone want to listen to me? However, I will promote the library in person so why shouldn't I virtually? This has made me think more about why I am not comfortable posting on blogs, etc. on the Internet and how to do this to promote the library.